Friday, August 22, 2014

Indonesia Market Summaries 21 August 2014

PT XL Axiata Tbk (EXCL, Rp 5.700) gain a net loss in the first semester of 2014 worth IDR 482,52 billion, fell from net profit in the first semester of 2013 worth IDR 670,43 billion. The net loss is due to the operating expenses, IDR 11,13 trillion, raised 23.26% from the first semester of 2013 of operating expenses, IDR 9,03 trillion. (Bisnis Indonesia)

PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA, Rp695) established two new subsidiaries in the oil and gas sector to boost its performance. Specifically, these subsidiaries provide operational support services activities engaged in the energy field, including companies in the oil and gas sector. The subsidiary is fully owned by ELSA, 99.99% . (Kontan)

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) is preparing three draft regulations on the finance company that is expected to rise in the near future. The three draft are RPOJK (draft regulations of OJK) on Business Licensing and Institutional of Financing Company, RPOJK on the Implementation of the Business and Finance, and RPOJK on Good Governance for Financial Services. (Bisnis Indonesia)

Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) labeled the stock of PT Maskapai Reasuransi Indonesia Tbk (MREI, Rp 5.900) as unusual market activity (UMA). This is because the stock is rising out of the ordinary compared to the previous period. On August 14, the company's shares are at Rp 3.100 and up until this day never reaches Rp 6.900. (Kontan)

PT Multipolar Tbk (MLPL, Rp795) net income in the first semester of 2014 dropped by 95.67% over the same period last year (year-on-year). Net profit of the issuer owned by the Lippo Group, June 2014 stood at only IDR 63.85 billion. (Kontan)

for Indonesia Market Summaries 21 August 2014

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