Thursday, August 27, 2009
Microsoft Lowers Price of Xbox 360

Our Future is in the Ocean
This fact was revealed by Desy Mantiri, the Secretary of Local Secretariat of World Ocean Conference, at a restaurant in Jakarta. Sinyo Harry Sarundajang who not long ago was elected as governor of North Sulawesi province likes to visit the islands under his territory and one day he reached the borders with the ocean territory of the Philippines. On one occasion, when visiting the northern-most island, the Island of Miangas, the Governor all of a sudden said that “our future is in the ocean”. At that time the idea was not that clear. Does that have anything to do with the life of the people in the North Sulawesi? Does it anything to do with the economy? Or is it about tourism? Or is it about something else?
At the end of October 2005, about two months after elected as governor, Sarundajang had to attend a working meeting with the ministers. In this meeting President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked the governors to search for policies in order to solve the impact of the increase of fuel oil prize in respective areas. This latest prize of fuel oil was effective for five months (the increase was announced in May 2005), and has noticeably affected the economy of the people.
Upon arriving from the working meeting, Sarundajang became more and more fervent in thinking of the ocean and the territory of North Sulawesi. “The future” that was mentioned in the Island of Miangas became more obvious. “The future” has many aspects: it’s about the economy, ecology and tourism. Although this province has many tourist sites, the promotion and facilities that support it is obviously far from adequate. The most obvious evidence is that not many tourists have visited the tourist site in North Sulawesi; way far lesser than the tourists who come to Bali and Lombok. As a result, the tourism in North Sulawesi is not truly an economic strength for this province. So what to do? “Manado must be promoted to the world by inviting the world to visit the area,” said the Governor.
This idea was in the subconscious mind of the Governor Sarundajang and when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited North Sulawesi, the plan in his head was revealed; the plan to “make the world visit Manado” by conducting a World Ocean Conference (WOC). The participants are all the countries in the world that have sea territory. The Governor knows that as many as 121 countries out of 192 country members of the United Nations have sea in their territory. The President immediately shares the same idea to carry out such an international ocean conference. This event will not only benefit Manado but will also bring something useful for the surrounding areas and Indonesia as a whole.
Talking about the WOC, not many people know what was happening before the revelation of the idea in front of the President. It started merely as a big idea, how about in Manado that has sea territory part of “the triangle of coral reeves” we organize World Ocean Summit. “The triangle of coral reef” is the term for the ocean territory of six Asia-Pacific nations which are 75% of the coral reef of the world. This idea was presented behind closed doors, directly or indirectly, by three key figures to the Governor Sarundajang. The three leading figures are: Joop Ave, former Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication 1993-1998; Pieter Sondakh, a national entrepreneur of North Sulawesi descent, Sander Batuna, local leading figure of North Sulawesi who has great concern about the development of his soil. Sarundajang strongly supported the idea, but he had to figure out how to make the idea a reality.
Source: Venue Magazine
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sail Bunaken The Biggest Maritime Event in 21 Century
"This is a good moment to restore the image of Indonesia, because Sail Bunaken - as the biggest maritime event in the world - has been successfully held in Manado," said Aji Sularso, The Directorate General of Supervision and Control of Marine Resources and Fisheries, The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia in Manado, Thursday 13 August 2009.
The programs in Sail Bunaken such as Sailing and Flying Pass from various war aircraft and battle ships is an activity that is rarely done in the world.
To get a best credit in this prestigious event, North Sulawesi province needs the local community's support to succeed the event.
According to him, there are two important issues related to the implementation of the Sail Bunaken in North Sulawesi, which is the great potential and resources of the marine biological, that very suitable to be converted to people's economic activity.
"The Indonesian can promote the available potential by inviting investors to invest capital in Indonesia," he said.
Then, the Indonesian people can show the power of defense and maritime security, so that it can not be regarded lightly by any country.
"There are already thousands of foreign participant residing in North Sulawesi, it means that they acknowledge that the event in Indonesia has been recognized internationally," he explained.
source: Antara News
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
RIM Adjusts Blackberry MDS
For that RIM adjusts the development environment Blackberry MDS. MDS Runtime and MDS Studio starting at the end of the year has no longer available, the support ends in mid-2010. New devices with OS 4.7.1 and higher are no longer MDS Runtime support.
To ensure the support of Web applications development, RIM offers a new version 1.2 plug-ins for Visual Studio . It requires Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition on Windows XP and Vista in 32-bit version. In addition, RIM released a new plug-in for Eclipse 3.4, which is based on the same version of Windows.
Both tools include a device simulator, so that applications can be run directly on your PC for free, without having to install them on a BlackBerry device. Javascript can be used with the new plug-ins both for debug and profile. Moreover, they show the contents of transmissions to XMLHttpRequest.
The old Visual Studio plug-ins with V.1.0 and 1.1 are in the same frame as MDS Studio and Runtime. Both are no longer available or supported.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
LNG Bontang Excess Diverted to Tangguh's Buyer
"Our priority is to fulfill domestic market," said Chief Executive of Upstream Oil and Gas Supervisory Agency (BP Migas) Mr. R. Priyono in Jakarta on Wednesday (07-29-09).
According to him, the domestic market is done by divert it to LPG and supply it to PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) through the exchange scheme (swap) between Bontang and Arun. Some of the other LNG used as a commitment substitute of Tangguh Plant in Papua.
PT Pertamina (Persero) has ensured will absorb eight cargo or equivalent to 340,000 metric tons from 400,000 metric tons LPG Bontang production.
The first shipment of LPG Bontang cargo (eq. 44,000 metric tons) have been done on 26 July 2009.
The Expert Staff for Information and Communication Affairs of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mr. Kardaya Warnika add, Indonesia can not simply divert the export contract of LNG Bontang and Arun in the country without the agreement with the buyer.
"Contract does not mention the divert option of the buyer to another," he said.
Until the end of the year 2009, a decrease in export volume of Bontang and Arun is estimated to reach 12 cargo (a cargo equivalent to 125,000 cubic meters) lower than initially predicted as many as 18 cargo. The plan of LNG export reduction that comes from Bontang (10 cargo) and Arun (2 cargo).
Due to the global crisis, the buyers of LNG Arun and Bontang usually called as the traditional buyer, which is Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan has reducing the purchase.
Indonesia and previous buyers agreed to lower the cargo 18 on this year, but eventually become a 12 cargo.
Monday, August 10, 2009
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If you’re not sold yet, download Flock and get ready to meet your new favorite browser.
Apple blocks Google Voice app for iPhone
There were a scattering of reports on Monday, and then a Google spokesperson confirmed it: "Apple did not approve the Google Voice application we submitted six weeks ago to the Apple App Store. We will continue to work to bring our services to iPhone users--for example, by taking advantage of advances in mobile browsers."
In addition, all third-party applications that use Google Voice have been pulled by Apple, according to a report in TechCrunch. The developer of one of those apps, GV Mobile, says he was told the decision came from Apple because his app "duplicates features that come with the iPhone."
It's unclear why Apple is refusing the app to be sold in its store, though there are hints that it may have come at the behest of AT&T, the exclusive carrier for the iPhone in the U.S. Google Voice is a free application that lets users assign a single number to ring their home, work, and cell phones, and also get voice mail as text transcriptions. Google Voice has been described by some as an "end run" around wireless carriers because it allows for free texts, but users do still use minutes on their AT&T phone plan.
John Gruber of DaringFireball.net reports that it was in fact AT&T's request that Apple block the application, but points out that Apple too has good reason to reject it: "Google Voice is a mobile phone service provided by the maker of one of the biggest competitors to the iPhone OS (Android). What if Google Voice were instead Microsoft Voice?"
It's also by now well established that the application approval process for Apple's App Store can be confusing and frustrating for individual developers, and now even for giants of the technology industry. Just last week, another dust-up occurred with Google and the iPhone, when Apple refused to approve Google's Latitude for the iPhone unless it was designed as Web-based app.
source: News CNET
Pass it ON.
When you open your Facebook or Twitter or Myspace account recently, maybe you will find this alert, it is on your wall, your friend wall, groups, or your inbox.
What is this alert about? In most cases, such alert are fake. This one seems to be fake too, it's a kind of hoax. If one of those two name above is in your friend's list, that doesn't mean that you'll get hacked. Even if you receive a suscpicious email with a link in it, do not open or follow the link they suggested. So disregard the alert and keep it for yourself to stop the case, the hoax doesn't work for you or maybe doesn't bother you at all.
But for some individual, especially a person with a virus-phobia, they'll act spontaneously by sending the alert to all his/her friends, website social network account, groups, YM or other community services. In this situation, the hoax is successful.
Back to the alert above, we know that there was something going on of that we cannot be sure. In some cases, that recently attacking Twitter, please read the information on Yahoo News, the spam campaign like this alert seems to be the beginning of attacking. As a result, the level of server traffic suddenly increase.
Of course, you don't want any of your social networ account turn slow-down, so not to re-distribute this alert is very wise since you can't find any reliable source to verify its voracity. You should know that this is a hoax tactic, and the good action is NEVER PASS IT ON.
Friday, August 7, 2009
LNG Bontang Sales Contract to Japan Finish in October 2009
Deputy Operations BP Migas, Eddy Purwanto explains, at this time BP Migas and the parties involved in the selling process are negotiating the Sales Purchase Agreement (SPA).
They are PT Pertamina (Persero) as the appointed seller and Total E&P Indonesie, Chevron, and Vico as the field owner which supply Bontang factory. "We espect that SPA can be completed by the end of October, although we can not be sure. And, this is a technical issue, and usually technical issue is fairly sticky," said Eddy.
According to Eddy, so far there is no change in volume or price for the request of the sales contract extension by the Japanese buyers. "Still in accordance with the HoA," he added.
On 13 February 2009, the Head of BP Migas Raden Priyono went to Osaka, Japan, to witness the signing of HoA of LNG Bontang sales contract extension.
The HoA of LNG Bontang contract sales extension is signed by Pertamina, Total Indonesie, and Inpex Corporation to the six western buyers, Chubu EPC, Kansai EPC, Kyushu EPC, Nippon Steel Co. Ltd., Osaka Gas Co. Ltd., and Toho Gas Co. Ltd..
If the level of HoA up to a sales contract extension, then the sale of LNG will be valid for 10 years beginning in 2011 until 2020.
source: Kompas Bisnis Keuangan
Intel Core i7 965 Extreme Edition - The Superior Performance Out Of The Box

Although we are talking here about Intel's handpicked test specimens of its new processors, the first benchmark results do nevertheless show their enormous potential. In the SPEC CPU2006, and with high optimized code thanks to Intel's latest C/C++ and Fortran compilers in version 11 beta, which already use SSE4.2 commands, a Core i7 965 Extreme Edition scored 110 points in integer throughput – int_rate_base_2006 – and 85.1 points in floating-point operations – fp_rate_base_2006, measured under 32-bit Windows Vista in each case. This first representative of Nehalem thus overtakes not only all previous x86 and x64 processors, but also most of the tandems made from two quad-core Opterons – 2360 SE: 92.7/84.7 points – and, in floating-point throughput, approaches two 3.2-GHz Xeons. Unusually, we had to carry out the CPU2006 tests under 32-bit Windows instead of 64-bit Linux, because the 64-bit code of the benchmark suite requires 2 gigabytes of RAM per core, thus a total of 16 gigabytes for eight cores, but the Core i7 processors with 2-gigabyte DIMMs on boards with six slots can only drive a maximum of 12 gigabytes of RAM. Unbuffered DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs with a capacity of 4 gigabytes cannot yet be supplied.The performance capabilities of the Core i7 965 Extreme are clearly defined through the various benchmarks performed on the test system. The strong points for the 965 were its superior performance out of the box with the dominance throughout the various benchmarks, especially with the productivity tasks performed by high end workstations. The graphics performance was not as strong in the gaming categories versus the 920, but once overclocked, the 965 out performs the 920 solidly in the gaming benchmarks with a lesser clock speed after overclocking. The additional headroom in overclocking with better cooling would certainly add to the performance of this chip, but when considering the price point and classification of this chip, many of the systems that this chip would find a home in would include water cooling and various other provisions to allow for stronger and higher overclocks, with a much stronger dominance over all the other chips in the market.
In more practical benchmarks, the Core i7 965 Extreme Edition can't so clearly outdo its predecessor, the Core 2 Extreme QX9770, which also has a clock frequency of 3.2 GHz, particularly in applications that compute with a single thread or with only a few threads in parallel. The Core i7 965 was in any case just 8 per cent faster than the Core 2 Extreme QX9770 on an X48 motherboard with PC3 12800 memory – DDR3-1600 – in the BAPCo SYSmark 2007 benchmark, and in 3D games the Nehalem's lead was negligible most of the time – BAPCo SYSmark 2007 X48-Mainboard. Only World in Conflict, which obviously exploits several cores, ran somewhat faster on the Core i7 965. With some other games, even a Core 2 Duo E8600 – 3.33 GHz – held the lead.
Multi-threading applications, such as compiling a Linux kernel, ran 26 per cent faster, and the Cinebench R10 rendering benchmark ran 34 per cent faster. Hyper-threading yielded marked advantages in compiling – 22 per cent – and rendering – 11 per cent, and HT only minimally slowed down the BAPCo SYSmark 2007.
For our benchmarks, we had activated the new Turbo Mode, in which the processor over clocks itself unless all cores are working to full capacity. Depending on the CPU's version, Turbo Boost raises the clock frequency by one or more steps, each step being 133 MHz. That is the basic frequency of the processor, which governs the higher clock frequencies of its arithmetic and logical units, the L3 cache, the memory controller, the memory modules, and the QPI. In our measurements, both Core i7 965 and Core i7 920 could be over clocked by one step in each case, which gave a performance boost of at best 5 per cent – but this makes the computer's power consumption rise markedly under full load. At 194 watts with the CPU under full load and 82 watts in no-load operation, the system with the Core i7 965 was nevertheless still somewhat thriftier than the comparison system with the Core 2 Extreme QX9770 and with the same fittings as far as possible – the graphics card being a Radeon HD 4550 in each case. By the way, we used a standard, but quite lively SATA hard disk instead of the Intel SSD for our measurements.
With a very powerful cooler and on motherboards with overclocking functions, you can set a higher thermal design power (TDP) for the Core i7 than it nominally has – 130 watts. If you then enable even higher Turbo Boost multipliers, automatic overclocking will reach the 4-GHz mark with the expensive Core i7 965 Extreme Edition.
Besides the Core i7 965 Extreme Edition – list price $999 – and the Core i7 920 – $284, Intel also intends to release a Core i7 940 – 2.83 GHz – $562. The Lynnfield – quad-core, possibly without HT – and Havendale – dual-core plus graphics – versions of Nehalem that are intended for medium-range boards with an LGA1160 socket won't come out until the third or fourth quarter of 2009. Besides Intel itself, at least Asus, EVGA, Gigabyte, Foxconn, and MSI intend to release LGA1366 boards with an X58 chipset, some with the SLI function. Any such board will cost more than 200 euros. Of course, Intel must now prove it can deliver the Core i7 and the X58 chipset as planned. Data sheets for the new products are not expected until mid-November.
source: http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/118430
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
IIMS 2009 has successfully reached the target of IDR 1.7T

the automotive industry will soon rise from the influence of the global crisis

However, on the other hand, the target of 250,000 visitors was not reached. Until 07:00 PM, on the last day of exhibition, the number of visitors was only 237,687 people.
Secretary General of The Association of Indonesia Automotive Industries (Gaikindo) Mr Freddy Soetrisno added, from the total value of transactions recorded, it is about 65% car sales contribution and 35% from motor sales and automotive supporting products.
"With the conditions that IIMS has reached Rp 1.7 trillion target, then we optimistic, car sales target this year will reach 450,000 units. This is a strong indication that our automotive industry not too down " he said
source: Kompas Otomotif
BlackBerry Bold 9900 Pluto

RIM BlackBerry Bold 9900 (RIM Pluto) Specs